Beat the Peaceful, Embrace the Violent

The day before yesterday, two demonstrations were held, just a few dozen kilometers apart. One took place at the Homesh settlement, not far from Jenin. Tens of thousands of settlers and their sympathizers came to demonstrate against the planned evacuation of this settlement. The demonstrators swore to sabotage the decisions of the government and the … Continue reading “Beat the Peaceful, Embrace the Violent”

For Whom the Bells Toll

An Iranian technician called Jalal-a-Din Taheri, who had been working at the nuclear reactor at Bushehr, managed to defect to Europe, where he disclosed the ayatollahs’ plans for producing nuclear bombs. Taheri was acclaimed a hero throughout the world. A number of organizations nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize. President Bush praised his courage. … Continue reading “For Whom the Bells Toll”

Lebanon and the Avaricious Superpower

Many years ago, I read a book called The Quiet American by Graham Greene. Its central character is a high-minded, naive young American operative in Vietnam. He has no idea about the complexities of that country but is determined to right its wrongs and create order. The results are disastrous. I have the feeling that … Continue reading “Lebanon and the Avaricious Superpower”

The Wreath Blair Didn’t Lay

“The curious incident is the barking of the dog,” Sherlock Holmes remarked. “But the dog did not bark!” exclaimed Dr. Watson. “That is the curious incident!” This week’s curious incident concerns the wreath of Tony Blair. The wreath that he did not lay on the grave of Yasser Arafat. Elementary, dear Watson. Blair did go … Continue reading “The Wreath Blair Didn’t Lay”

Israel’s Coming Civil War

Everybody in Israel is talking about the Next War. The most popular TV channel is running a whole series about it. Not another war with the Arabs. Not the nuclear threat from Iran. Not the ongoing bloody confrontation with the Palestinians. The talk is about the coming civil war. Only a few months ago, that … Continue reading “Israel’s Coming Civil War”

Sharon’s One-Dimensional Worldview

What really is important is not what he said or why he said it, but the worldview that animates him. By now, everybody has had a go at analyzing the interview with Dov (“Dubby”) Weisglass, Ariel Sharon’s most intimate confidant. But there is precious little to analyze. His statement is crystal clear: the “redeployment plan” … Continue reading “Sharon’s One-Dimensional Worldview”

Don’t Believe a Word

When Ariel Sharon announced his plan for "unilateral disengagement," the media reported that the Peace Now movement was preparing a big public campaign in support. The Prime Minister’s office asked them to desist, fearing that such a campaign would cause the extreme right to oppose it. Peace Now was not the only "leftist" group that … Continue reading “Don’t Believe a Word”