Media’s Mix-Up of ISIS Branches Fuels ISIS’s Terrorism

The global string of terrorist attacks linked to the Islamic State has broadened the War on Terror’s debate over the past two years. Today, combating ISIS not only means fighting its core in Iraq and Syria, but also supporting US soldiers in Libya while supporting wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and wherever else ISIS … Continue reading “Media’s Mix-Up of ISIS Branches Fuels ISIS’s Terrorism”

Murder and Militias – Iraq’s Sunni-Shiite Plan After ISIS

Since ISIS’s losses of 45% of its Iraqi territory over the past two years, we may be approaching the end of the war on ISIS. The conflict’s progression nevertheless raises hard questions on the potential resurgence of Sunni insurgencies like ISIS as American and Iraqi governments have failed to rein in destabilizing groups operating in … Continue reading “Murder and Militias – Iraq’s Sunni-Shiite Plan After ISIS”